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I thought I would sit for 20 minutes, play and go, in the end I got stuck for three hours)). What I like about games with low graphics, as it turned out, is that the brain begins to draw the nuances of graphics it needs on its own, fantasy turns on. How did I wrap it, huh?), and it really is)

   Thanks to the developers for their work, I shake your hands>


this game is harder that knife, I crashed my computer and threw the monitor out of the window because of this game. 12/10, game of the year.


The game is a brilliant representative of the indie roguelite genre, targeted mostly at Binding of Isaac fans. It has plot, inventory management and fast-paced action.

I would especially point the nice cultural reference to the immortal Zero Wing by Toaplan... Or just particularly bad English.

Still, totally worth playing, assuming you have Windows PC, play with mouse and your resolution doesn't mess up game's UI.

Disclosure: I'm a father of one of the developers. 😁